All-on-4® Dental Implants - Orlando, FL

Restore Your Smile Today!

dental implant patient with dr larry duffy

Immediate Fixed Dentures

If you have missing teeth, you do not need to settle for traditional dentures! All-on-4 dental implants in the Orlando, FL region with Dr. Kyle Duffy are a healthier, more affordable way to reinforce dentures while providing the benefits and advantages of standard dental implants.

Why Does All-on-4® Make Dentures Work Better?

All-on-4 dental implants replace missing teeth better than traditional dentures! Call today to schedule your private consultation with Dr. Kyle Duffy.

All-on-4 is a technique that stabilizes dentures by taking just four dental implants and strategically placing them in areas of the mouth where the patient still has enough bone density to accommodate them.

When teeth are lost, bone loss follows because the roots of the teeth are no longer there to stimulate the jaw. Dentures can replace missing teeth but can actually lead to more bone loss because they work on the gum line. Dental implants function like real tooth roots inside the jaw bone by stimulating and keeping the bone strong, making All-on-4 dental implants in Orlando, FL a treatment that helps to prevent bone loss.

The Benefits of All-On-4®

Am I A Candidate for Dental implants?

dr duffy kyle looking at patient xray3

Step-by-step All-on-4 Dental Implants Procedure

Orlando dentist, Dr. Kyle Duffy, will scan your entire mouth to locate regions where enough jaw bone exists to accommodate dental implants

A local anesthetic is applied to make the procedure comfortable for you (additional sedation is available if needed).

The dental implants are placed and over the next few months will start to fuse well into the jaw bone.

A temporary denture is fitted and worn until the implants are fully fused. After that, Dr. Kyle Duffy will give you a new, customized All-on-4 denture!

Schedule An Appointment

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dental assistant scanning teeth

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candidate for dental implants

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