Special Needs Dentistry - Orlando, FL

We Offer Compassionate Dental Care With Special Needs Dentistry In Orlando, FL

Who Requires Special Needs Dentistry?

There are many patients who have special needs and will avoid seeking treatment because of fear or anxiety. The elderly, children with behavioral issues, the mentally disabled, or those with challenging medical conditions may find it more difficult to get the dental care they need. Dr. Kyle Duffy offers special needs dentistry to ensure that everyone can have a beautiful, healthy smile. Special needs patients, more specifically, may include children or adults with the following:

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We offer the specialized knowledge and care needed to deliver excellent care and a positive dental experience. A few examples of how we prepare include shorter duration appointments, more staff, and flexible scheduling.

Our Doctor Going the Extra Mile

If you are a caregiver to someone with special needs or feel that you may require special consideration

please contact our office to schedule your appointment with Dr. Kyle Duffy!